EVCC Advanced Manufacturing Technology- Technical Design (CAD) ATA

advanced manufacturing technology- technical design (CAD) ATA

Technical Design/CAD is designed to provide skills and knowledge in a variety of computer aided design (CAD) software including CATIA version 5, Solid Works and AutoCAD. Skills learned in this program are taught using applied methods where training is practical and hands-on.

The Advanced Manufacturing program is actually a cluster of programs designed to prepare students for careers in areas such as aviation maintenance, computer controlled machining, welding and fabrication, composites design/repair, CAD based design technology, or a position coordinating all these activities.   

Students seeking entry into the technical world would begin with the Manufacturing Pre-Employment Certificate, a credential that would allow one to work in entry-level manufacturing. For those seeking a higher level of education, and the job skills and responsibilities that go with it, EvCC offers skills oriented ATA Degrees. The Advanced Manufacturing Technology curriculum guide describes all three levels in the Technical Design discipline.         

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